2022 本地一級沙灘排球教練班 - 合格名單 
發佈日期 2023年02月16日
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# 中文姓名 英文姓名 成績
1 歐陽瑋欣 AU YEUNG Wai Yan Pass with Credit
2 陳嘉偉 CHAN Ka Wai Pass with Credit
3 陳樂彤 CHAN Lok Tung Pass 
4 陳暐晴 CHAN Wai Ching Pass with Credit
5 鄭惠芬 CHENG Wai Fan Pass 
6 鄭煒麟 CHENG Wai Lun Alan Pass 
7 鄭鈺諺 CHENG Yuk Yin Pass with Credit
8 趙穎琪 CHIU Wing Ki Pass with Credit
9 徐錦龍 CHUI Kam Lung Pass with Credit
10 方慧敏 FONG Wai Man Pass with Credit
11 馮可盈 FUNG Ho Ying Pass with Credit
12 簡詩恆 KAN Sze Hang Pass with Credit
13 鄺永彪 KWONG Wing Biu Pass with Credit
14 黎浩釗 LAI Ho Chiu Pass with Credit
15 黎敏彤 LAI Man Tung Pass 
16 林敏儀 LAM Man Yee Pass with Credit
17 林詩敏 LAM Sze Man Pass with Credit
18 劉富豪 LAU Fu Ho Pass with Credit
19 劉凱茵 LAU Hoi Yan Pass
20 梁智皓 LEUNG Chi Ho Pass with Credit
21 梁景嵐 LEUNG King Laam Pass with Credit
22 梁倩橋 LEUNG Sin Kiu Pass with Credit
23 馬銘慧 MA Ming Wai Pass with Credit
24 吳詠嵐 NG Wing Laam Pass with Credit
25 鄧俊衍 TANG Chun Hin Pass with Credit
26 秦國照 TSUN Kwok Chiu Pass
27 董澤希 TUNG Chak Hei Pass with Credit
28 黃嘉潤 WONG Ka Yun Pass with Credit
29 胡雅軒 WU Nga Hin Pass with Credit
30 余天樂 YU Tin Lok Pass with Credit
31 阮頴珊 YUEN Wing Shan Pass
Updated on 21 Feb 2024
32 徐紹基 CHUI Siu Kei Pass
33 莫皓智 MOK Ho Chi Pass with Credit
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