1. 申請前,請細閱「教練費參考指引」。
Please read “教練費參考指引” before you submit the application.
2. 請將填妥的申請表格電郵至coach@vbahk.org.hk,主旨請註明「申請招募註冊教練 (學校 / 機構名稱)」。
Please complete and email the application form to coach@vbahk.org.hk with Subject named “Application Form for Registered Coaches Recruitment (School / Organization Name).
3. 如資料不全或不正確,本會可能延遲或無法處理申請。如因上述原因而導致申請程序延遲或失敗,本會恕不負責。
If you provide insufficient or incorrect information, we may delay or unable to process your application or request. The Association is not responsible for the delay or refusal of application due to the above reasons.
4. 本會只提供平台予申請人/團體發佈招聘廣告,本會不會就任何招聘引致的問題承擔任何責任。
The Association is only provided to the applicants/groups as a platform for publishing recruitment advertisements. The Association does not accept any legal liability or other liability in respect thereof.